Can anyone find a link or remember the cybergenics leg workout? I remember performing this in college and experienced a substantial. Cybergenics called their program a “steroid replacement system.” The real key to the Cybergenics program was really the training routine. Cybergenics training routine, learn about the Cybergenics total bodybuilding system workout.

Physique transformationvideo by Cybergenics. Cybergenics collapsed under bankrupcy many years ago because people realized it was a waste of money. They simply provided a somewhat decent plan and a bunch of worthless pills. Cybergenics was a $5 workout program that cost $105. Hang around the boards and you'll get more information and help than cybergenics could have ever provided.

Cybergenics leg workout
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Ycbergenics on raising the weight as quickly as possible while lowering it very slowly, taking up to six seconds to do so. On Tuesdays and Fridays you would train Chest and Back. Everything is done to failure.

Free Cybergenics Workout Routine from the Cybergenics Training Manual

I just read the manual and did the workout. Do not count repetitions, as there is no designated number that should be workouy.

Fortress on November 14, I bulked up and cut up at the same time.

I thought it was awesome I get exhausted just thinking about training that way right now, and feel an injury coming on from doing shit like “negative failure flyes”. Specific medical advice owrkout be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner.

Cybergenics Leg Workout

I cringe thinking of trying that now at my age. Enter the amount of weight you lifted and the number of reps you lifted it for the number of reps must be between 1 and 10 in order for the calculation to work.

I dorkout everything underneath the sun and had multiple protein shakes throughout the day.

WorkoutCybergenics Workout

Cybergenics Workout Book

Concentrate everything and focus every bit of energy on every set and every repetition. One Rep Max Calculator Instructions: Newer Post Older Post Home.

The reader should understand that participating in any exercise program can result in physical injury and agrees to do so at his own risk.

Powerlift66 Getbig V Posts: I see him on tv and hear him on the radio everyday, multiple times a day. I bought that crap back in They have an intense – and I really mean intense – exercise program, that gives some very formidable results in increasing strength, while building lean muscle mass and burning off body fat. Every cycle must be brought to the point of total negative failure. They really were right all the time.

Cybergenics Workout

I actually gained 50lbs though of muscle Did it 2 different times. November 20, Believe it or not. XapnoMapkc July 13, at 8: Let’s just skip all the foreplay here and get right to plowing shit sideways.

Not cybergeniccs mention you basically needed a spotter the entire time. On Sundays you would rest.

Your Approximate 1 Rep Max is. I used this in the late 80’s and got great results. I’m not sure where to start with that. Unknown December 21, at 3: Concentrate everything and focus every bit of energy on every set and every repetition. Do not offer superfluous assistance as it is dangerous and counterproductive to the Cybergenics effect. Cybergenics Chest Workout by Paul Becker Cybergenics was the first to take into account all factors of training, diet and supplements into a complete system.

But almost everyone agrees the workout was brutal and produced amazing results in size and strength for anyone that was able to stick with it.

Cybergenics Workout Plan


Cybergenics Workout Manual

Powered by SMF 1. It was a six day a week routine, you split the body into three parts and trained each twice a week. McFarland Getbig V Gender: I bought the kit, but I was 30 years old and had no illusions about magic results from the pills.

The supplements are called isolates. Cybergenics Phase 1 Chest Workout. Everything is done to failure. I never fell for Cybergenics but only because it as a few years before I had money.

Cybergenics Workout Program For Building A Massive Chest

Keep rest time to an absolute minimum. Roger Belz September 20, at So the pros were: BB on November 14, Did 2 cycles of this in Okinawa while stationed there in Even better, Franco attributed his bodybuilding success to that of this particular kit.


Cybergenics Workout Back

I personally feel it is the latter since there are people that tell me that they made their best gains using those kits.

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